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The issue with buying steroids in Mexico is trying to find legitimate brands and those that are safe for human use, some steroids such as Equipoise are made for veterinarian use, so they are safe and don't contain performance enhancing drugs," said Rachael Anderson from the Australian-based anti-doping body, ASADA. "It also helps to remember that the use of steroids in other parts of the sport is not allowed." But those who are against steroids say the fact it might be legal in the country and might even provide a competitive advantage could be dangerous for athletes who have previously failed drug tests. "It will change all the other things we look at in drug testing – our ability to detect performance enhancing drugs," said Ryan McGee, equipoise 500. "If you want to be considered a medal prospect, you really need to be a clean athlete if the drugs of use are in there." So far a number of South Americans have also been tested by the World Anti-Doping Agency for their use of steroids, nolotil bodybuilding. "We are not in any way condoning or condoning the use of performance enhancing substances of any kind," said ASADA in a statement, swish aromx 33 sds. "This is an issue relating to drug control policies in Brazil, and what is the role of the National Anti-Doping Control Authority (ANDA) and the Brazilian Olympic Committees (CAB) in the country. "ANDA's role does not allow it to conduct or recommend investigations into positive athlete results, can steroid tablets keep you awake." But as for the Mexican case, it doesn't appear to have stopped the government buying supplements through a Brazilian company.
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